Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I am a LAI

I'm the LAI,with no sort
of grave, solemn thought,
and I
will never be caught
by miseries sought,
nor sigh;
Where battles are fought
or arguments brought,
I fly.

What Poetry Form Are You?

Actually, I can write poetry in most forms, the Lai being my least favorite.

The Lai developed in France and the features are:

9 lines.

Two rhymes, giving the form aabaabaab.

A related form is the French syllabic Lai Nouveau
(the New Lai),with some similarities to the villanelle.
The features of the Lai Nouveau are:
16 lines in two 8-line stanzas.
Repetition of the first two lines as the last two lines
of the 16, but in reverse order.
Two rhymes.

Free verse and blank verse gives the writer the scope of vocabulary that is needed to express ones ideas. Why constrict yourself to building a picture around a handful of rhyming words?

This is another rant:

I have recently had a book of poetry accepted by a major publishing house. I have been perusing and studying poetry on the internet for quite sometime. Poetry blogs and forums were an area of intense scrutiny. I have been searching for an unpublished blogging poet who does not have the backing of any other establishment. There is some excellent poetry around, but all the poets concerned appear to have been sponsored by a particular university. I wished to promote ONE poet in my book, a poet without a political axe to grind, without grudges against particular groups of humanity and without a flag of propaganda constantly stabbing its way through the writing. Unintelligible writing under the guise of LangPo poetry would also be excluded. There is not a single blogging poet that fits this description. What sad times we live in. Some have lost out by being deliberately stupid. Some have lost out because they don't have the brain to work out what is happening on their behalf.


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