Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Another Rant

Yet Another Rant - Why0why0why????

Having put out a few feelers into the medical profession to enquire about my particular ailment, I am now completely disheartened to know that I am possibly fairly unique (and unlucky in the words of one doctor) in my failure to heal from a fairly innocuous but persistent, resistant, resilient bug. I now know the reasons behind the feeling that I am facing a blank wall but sympathetic faces and whispered voices whenever I enter the doctor’s office.

I’m also facing a battle of wits with bureaucracy. I now have to present myself in person to my family doctor, who has a 7-day waiting appointment list, in order to get a new small supply of medications and supplies that were originally prescribed by my hospital. I am now totally out of supplies and have resorted to ordering stuff from the Internet at prices sometimes exceeding 500-700% higher than my normal prescription charges. My doctor's receptionist said that I can have an emergency appointment if I am willing to wait for a cancellation which, in the past, has meant a two or three hour wait at the surgery. For someone in abject, unbearable pain, that's an almost insurmountable prospect.

Then I discover that the pharmacist has been given new 'guidelines' and invariably refuses to fulfil some of these prescriptions as they originated with the hospital and I have to argue my case and threaten to get on a bus and take my custom to 'Boots', a bigger and better pharmacy, just to get simple medications. This makes me wonder who is controlling the drugs available to patients in the community.

Feeling completely shattered about this new development, but I know it's just another wave of bad luck to ride over. I have to review and renew my vigour and faith. I shall meditate tonight instead of going to bed. I have an enormous piece of polished agate and it makes me feel close to the earth when I hold it against my cheek and lips.

Addendum 1:

Blogger: Your new version of Blogger is ready! (x 10000)

Me: Fuck off.

Addendum 2:

God has a really lovely sense of humor. As I opened my tea tree and lavender oil purchases I noticed that the seller deals with goat husbandry and goat related products from her trading place at ChaoticPharm. When I last looked, I wasn't goat related at all.


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