Thursday, November 30, 2006

Music and Pain

Today, I tried to add a few more bars to my song, but fuckit, nothing worked. Everything I wrote sounded flat and monotonous. I like catchy, staccato, fulsome, flowing music. I gave up trying to flog a few headless, minor major diminished 7s in C, E, and G because of my persistent pain, which has now become completely immune to the strongest painkillers on offer. I said pain - but I meant howling, sizzling, stabbing, excruciating A G O N Y of a thousand venomous hydrae creeping over my body and sinking their razor sharp fangs into my flesh. I am only tolerating it whilst waiting for another hospital admission, so I am hibernating as much as possible. Even sleep eludes a pain wracked soul that spends its entire night wrestling with various pillows and cushions in order to find an evasive comfortable position. I wish I were dead but I want to create so much more music and poetry and pottery and painting.


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