Saturday, March 24, 2007

Consultant's Assessment of MRSA

OK – Now I am a little worried. I had a pre-hospital assessment of my MRSA infection. I have always asked for the truth and I am not afraid of the truth. If I had been told I had cancer, I would accept the resultant pain associated with that disclosure, but I have an infection; I have never been warned that an infection could lead to this level of agony. I am still in agony – more so today due to having to wait around a Consultant’s surgery for 1hr and 30 mins yesterday, plus travelling time, plus the fact that I had the same journey three days ago, only to return home as my appointment was cancelled.

The consultation went well until another doctor arrived to give his expert opinion, a tentative diagnosis of what might be ailing the patient. This doctor has never been involved in my medical history and that pissed me off a bit because it meant that he had to ask for background on my case. Then the crux came out of the blue in an explosion of words. Turning to the consultant, he asked, “Have you ever seen a case like this before?” I took that to mean that the first doctor (the hauled-in expert) had never seen a case like mine in his career. The consultant didn’t actually answer with a yes or a no but gave a kind of cough, a grunt, or a throat clearing. The first doctor couldn’t understand the response, so he enquired “Yes???” And the consultant replied “mmmmmm” without committing herself to a “yes” or a “no”.

The enquiring doctor then visibly turned pale, grimaced a little and shot me a quick glance, before storming off whence he came, without a goodbye or anything. But I wasn’t angry because he was so sweet and handsome, and tall and he had been full of the joys of spring and wisdom when he arrived.


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