Friday, March 09, 2007

Silver Moon

Silver Moon

A sweet serenade
sweeps the earth
from midnight skies.
The moon, she cheers.

The moon’s first encounter
was a joyful parade
as she circled the earth.
Curious moon, she wept.

The moon paused, inhaled
a breath of wonderment
as new life sprung through.
Sleepy moon, she sighed.

Many eons pass, many
trials and tribulations
she has witnessed.
Wise moon, she wept.

Tears enshroud the moon,
helpless onlooker in the face
of drought and devastation.
Shaken moon, she cares.

The moon inhales a cocktail
of noxious clouds from
the test tubes of man.
Silent moon, she sobs.

Outraged moon looks on
as we do battle, bravely fight
in combat to the ultimate end.
Anxious moon, she still weeps.

Inadequate moon, she ponders
what outcome awaits the earth.
She can hardly bear to look.
Cheerless moon, she still weeps.

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