Tuesday, March 20, 2007


OK – This is another rant. Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck fuck.

My hospital admission has been postponed by three weeks due to shortage of staff, during which time this new version of MRSA infection has been slowly progressing under the direction of MY OWN antibodies, as opposed to RACING at light speed through my guts and muscle under the direct influence of various oral and IV antibiotics, which have included extremely high doses of Ciprofloxacin, Erithromycin, Cephalexin, Clarithromycin, Doxycyclin, and Metronidazol which I have been prescribed intermittently since August 2006. Certain medications that are supposed to kill staphyloccocus are based on starving the bug of oxygen but, apparently, I have an anaerobic staphylococcus A. that can survive inside the body, which flourishes very well and reproduces without oxygen.

My Consultant is very sympathetic to my plight. She is a wonderful, overworked, underfed, beautiful, considerate, compassionate angel and I cannot adequately express enough gratitude to do justice to the service that she provides. I need to ask her for a specific new generation of antibiotic that I bought for $500 (offered at half the going rate) but it never arrived or has been stolen. Well, fuck my fucking luck.

Counting down the days, again.


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