Tuesday, March 13, 2007

MRSA Update

OK – I am still alive and living on my wits alone. I have been suffering from the effects of MRSA since August 2006 - initially, a blood infection -secondly, a bone infection, which has now migrated to muscle. I think my own antibodies are starting to kick in after a six-month slog. That’s a stroke of luck in itself, as the private prescription for the next generation of antibiotics has mysteriously been lost in transit. Well, thank you to whoever stole my medications. I hope they make you choke and may you never recover. I am just beginning to count my blessings as I read and hear about the treatment of other patients at the hands of the National Health Service...

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt said she was shocked by the findings of a report of negligence in the NHS.

It told how one patient, 43-year-old Martin, went without food for 26 days while in hospital following a stroke. That left him too weak to undergo surgery and he died on December 21 2005.

Doctors told Cancer patient, Emma, 26, in 2004 she had a 50/50 chance of survival but they did not treat her, as they believed she would not co-operate with treatment.
She was taken to the hospital numerous times by her mother but not given adequate treatment or pain relief, it said.

Mark, 30, died eight weeks after being admitted to hospital with a broken leg.
He waited three days to see the pain team before dying on August 29 2003.

The families of those concerned have lodged complaints with the relevant NHS trusts and the Healthcare Commission.


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